Conditions and legal terms


The Hirer  declares under his own responsibility and agrees that:

  1. In case of accident the Hirer is obliged to communicate it to the Moto & Bike SCP, which on the other side is obliged to attend the client during working hours. In any case the hirer  can not leave the vehicle without prior authorization of the Moto & Bike SCP. If the hirer has paid some amount for transport or repair of the vehicle, without prior authorization of the Moto & Bike SCP , the full cost will be to his charges.
  2. The hirer will comply with all of the Traffic and Parking Laws and Regulations of Spain. He will be personally responsible for all fines for any violations.
  3. The hirer has examined the vehicle and proofed by himself that the vehicle is in good conditions; fully equipped; and without any damage.
  4. The hirer has received adequate instructions for operating the rented vehicle.
  5. The hirer is qualified to drive the vehicle and knows how to do it.
  6. The hirer has the legal age to drive in Spain the choosen or rented vehicle .
  7. The hirer has a legal driverlicence to drive the rented vehicle in Spain.
  8. The hirer is the only person authorized to operate the vehicle and in NO CIRCUMSTANCES will let anyone else use it.
  9. The vehicle is  property of Moto & Bike SCP, and must be returned to the place of rental exactly where it was rented. If the vehicle is not returned at the agreed time the hirer must pay an extra of 20% of the day price for every extra hour .
  10. In case of violation of any of the rules / conditions number  11 – 12 – 13 – 14  , the contract will become invalid inmediately and no money will be returned.
  11. The hirer will not operate the vehicle under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any other intoxicants.
  12. The hirer is the only person authorized to operate the vehicle and he will NEVER let anyone else use it under NO CIRCUMSTANCES .
  13. The hirer will not use the vehicle for any kind of racing or competitions .
  14. The hirer is not allowed to drive on any road which is not duly paved and considered as a main road by road authorities. Otherwise, the cover guaranteed by the insurance will be voided, and therefore the hirer  will be the only responsible party for every damage of the vehicle.
  15. The hirer was informed about the petrol that the vehicle  needs, (normally 95 UNLEADED) and that he has to pay every engine damage caused by refilling the wrong petrol .
  16. To keep the vehicle in the best conditions the hirer has to come to Moto Bike garage to check oil  and chain every 500 Km. The hirer is responsible to ensure that the tyres have the correct pressure .
  17. To clean the vehicle with high pressure water is not allowed and the cost for any damages caused by this reason will be totally covered by the hirer .(electronic parts are very sensible to water contact)
  18. The hirer has been provided with a lock and key to secure the vehicle when not in use.
  19. During the night the hirer is not allowed to park the vehicle in a different place than he has declared as his temporary residence in Gran Canaria (Hotel) and he is also not allowed to leave the island with the rented vehicle.
  20. The hirer will comply all the terms, conditions, limitations and exceptions of the Third Party Insurance Policy taken out by the Rental Company. The acceptance of this insurance by the Hirer  is mandatory and he will not operate the vehicle in such a manner that the insurance gets invalid . A copy of this policy is available for inspection at the place of rental.
  21. The hirer accepts full responsibility for ALL damages to the vehicle and will pay the amount to cover any of such damages .
  22. The hirer accepts full responsibility for theft of the vehicle or any of its parts, NO MATTER WHAT THE CIRCUM-STANCES have been, and he will pay the full amount to cover such thefts. However, if the option of full insurance of the vehicle is selected, the hirer´s liability for theft of the vehicle and/or for the damages caused on it, is limited up to the amount indicated on the contract as BAILBOND and it refers the maximum amount that the client has to  pay in case of theft or damage.
  23. The hirer will not have any right to claim anything  against the Moto & Bike SCP or any of its insurance companies for any physical or mental injuries suffered as a result of using the rented vehicle.
  24. The hirer declares and Agrees that he will not violate any of the terms of this Rental Contract nor any of the terms of the insurance policies in effect. To do so will make the Hirer , solely and completely, responsible for any losses and damages, either personal or otherwise, caused from such misuse.